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Day in the Life - Jackson Grade 7

Saint Andrew's Day in the Life Middle School student Jackson

Middle School students take a total of eight classes, alternating four classes per day (rotating A & B days).

Before School

Since I live in Boca Raton, I have a nice short 15-minute drive to school. With my brother also attending SA, I drop him off at the Lower School. We then drive around the back of the campus to Middle School where I catch up with friends, do extra help, or do anything that needs to be done before heading to my first class of the day.

1st Period - English

I always look forward to walking into Ms. Moylan’s classroom. From our warm-up attendance questions to our Wordle races this class is always fun. We are learning about allegories right now and we are currently working on reading the book “Animal Farm.” This book is an allegory about the Russian Revolution. 


After my first class of the day, I get to go to Mrs. Voguit’s advisory. Every Monday we do lessons teaching us about values. We use a program called Character Strong for this. On Tuesday, we have a work block, which gives us time to finish assignments, read, or work with our advisor to check for missing assignments. Then, on Wednesday, we have a shorter day with 15 minutes of free time. On Thursday and Friday, we watch a live stream of either Chapel or an assembly.

2nd Period - Science

Mr. Bello is my science teacher. He makes class so much fun with all the fun labs. We are currently working on chemical reactions. One reaction we did was making a formula to test acidity using pH paper. 

3rd Period - Art

Now, it’s on to third period with Mrs. Parrish. In this class, we can create anything we want. I am currently working on creating the Miami Dolphins logo out of felt (A wool that is dyed a certain color.) With this being my second year with Mrs. Parrish, I have gotten to know her really well, and I have created many amazing pieces of art.

4th Period - Global Issues

Global Issues with Mrs. Voguit is just as it sounds. We learn about issues around the world and how we can help. We are learning about environmental debates and get to have our own debate against a fellow peer. I won my debate, giving me a 104% on the assignment!

5th Period - PE

I have one of the three middle school PE teachers, Coach Gleason. In PE we are working on our final tests, which will be compared to our beginning-of-the-year tests, which measure our mile time, 40-yard, pushups, situps, and shuttle run.

Lunch Block

There are three lunch blocks every day. The schedule for seventh and eighth-grade classes switches every day while sixth-grade lunch is always the same. On the first day, the lunch schedule goes from sixth through eighth, but on the alternating days, eighth-graders eat first, followed by sixth, then seventh.

6th Period - Band 

I play clarinet with Mr. Ercalano as my woodwind sectional teacher with the flutes, clarinets, and saxophones. When we have a concert coming up, we have a full band class that is led by Ms. Nichols with all of the different instruments playing together. We currently don’t have a concert coming up, so we are learning songs we might play next year.

7th Period - Spanish

I take Spanish with Mrs. Pin. We are currently doing a project on advertising a place in Florida to people in Columbia. Many of my friends are in my Spanish class, so, when I finish my work, I have a chance to socialize with them. 

8th Period - Math

I am in Algebra 1 honors with Mrs. Salzano. We are currently learning radicals and square roots. Once we learn this, we will start practicing for our semester finals as our final test of the year.

After School Activity - Sports/Extra Help/clubs

 After school, I play sports for some of the many sports teams at the Middle School including golf, baseball, and basketball. Another thing I do after school is extra help if I need help in a class. Lastly, I also am part of some clubs such as the stock club where we discuss our favorite stocks.